Hi Readers!

My name is Katie and I’ll be running Pocket Elf Travels. I’m an American from Southern Indiana with dreams to reach every continent. My journey as a blogger has definitely been short only starting this week. My Goal from this page is to provide helpful tips for would be travelers and gather inspiration for my own travels. The world is a beautiful place but you didn’t need me to tell you that…. or maybe you did and that’s why you’re here. So I’ll be telling you about my travels thus far and where I’m planning to go next. Any feedback is always appreciated so please use my “Contact Me” section to get in touch. If you have a topic you’d like to see me cover let me know!

I’m Hoping this blog will also help me to explore more of my own country. Traveling alone is a beast all its own and through this blog I’m hoping to become more comfortable traveling by myself. So far I’ve been to 9 states but that is subject to change in the foreseeable future. I’m planning to go to New Hampshire, Louisiana, and Missouri at some point in the coming year. My international travels are of much more interest to me and to you dear reader I’m sure. I’ve been to 4 foreign countries and can’t wait to add many more to my list. I’ve visited Ireland, Japan, Norway, and Denmark and plan to add Colombia and Spain in the next year or two.

Each trip overseas was absolutely amazing and I’ll go through what made each of them so amazing in Separate blog posts.I plan to go through everything chronologically and then go on to do some trips myself. I plan to post regularly and bring my dog Piper with me on my road trips. So Please take a look at my adorable corgi and get ready for a wild ride!

Sincerely yours,

Pocket Elf Travels


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