Picture it….  A Small American Airport- 2009, a terrified teenager getting ready to board her first flight. So now that the scene is set I’ll take you through my first trip. I went for a very short trip to San Diego, California to see my uncle and his family with my cousin. I was so scared to fly and was ready to panic but luckily the first leg of the flight was short. We got on the plane to head to North Carolina but we weren’t seated together. Sheer panic did set in at this point. Luckily the man next to me could tell I was panicking and he switched seats so my cousin and i could sit together. It was a smooth flight to North Carolina. Then on to catch our connection to San Diego.

Once we landed in San Diego we did the first thing anyone without In N Out does and that is to go directly there. It was pretty good but of course that would pale in comparison to the rest of the trip. It was an action packed few days to say the least. We went to the Cabrillo National Monument, the San Diego Zoo, The San Diego Air & Space Museum, and SeaWorld all in about 3 days. Each was Amazing for Different reasons. The museum was full of all sorts of history. A giant plane sits right outside the door that was only the tip of the iceberg for what was in store. I would highly recommend it for those of you interested in history and those that are interested in all things machine.

SeaWorld was amazing but this was all before Blackfish had come out. Killer Whales and captivity do not seem to mix but the parks other conservation efforts cannot be ignored. Honestly if they were to discontinue the orca program they would still have countless visitors because the rest of the park is full of various animals you won’t see anywhere else. Seeing the eels would have to be one of my favorite parts of the trip to SeaWorld. The San Diego Zoo Was also a great trip. Seeing the Giant Pandas in one of the only successful Zoos in the world that has bred them. As one of the Largest zoos in the country it was an all day affair and i loved every minute of it. I would definitely be an animal lover and if you are too then you should definitely check out the zoo for a day of fun!

I decided to save the best for last, Cabrillo. For the nature lovers this is the place for you. You’ll first see the Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo statue but as you progress into the park you’ll come across the Old Point Loma Lighthouse. Both are sights to behold and for me it was the first and only time I’ve ever seen a lighthouse outside of a movie. My favorite part of the park would have to be the tide pools. The featured image would be from that section of the park. While no camera can do justice to the view, i had to try. The water sparkled as the sun hit it and the waves crashed against the rocks like nothing I’ve ever seen before or since.

This is in no way meant to be an all inclusive guide to San Diego but rather a trip down memory lane. I loved my time in San Diego and hope to make it back one day. If you’re ever in the area take a look at some of the places i mentioned and shoot me an email about what you liked!

Sincerely Yours,

Pocket Elf Travels

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