My second and third big trips were to San Francisco in 2012 and 2014 with my aunt both times and my cousin on the later trip. I was still nervous to fly and that’s something that has gotten easier but it’s still a work in progress. These trips are some of the best I’ve ever taken and I would thoroughly encourage you to go to San Francisco at least once in your life. 

We went to so many different places from the typical tourist destinations to just exploring the city like locals at a festival in Haight-Ashbury.  That festival is why I must recommend the beginning of June for any trip to San Francisco. The Haight-Ashbury Street Fair is a treat for any person interested in the current form of the largest counter culture of the sixties- the hippie movement. The area is actually known as the birthplace of the hippie movement and walking through it can feel like being in a different era. The festival will definitely be a highlight of anyone’s trip especially if street festivals, local arts and crafts, and people watching are your things!

Along the lines of culture- each of the districts in San Francisco has it’s own history and culture. It can feel like you walked into a different city and sometimes a different country. Our hotel was right outside of the gates to Chinatown. Chinese inspired pillars stood on either side of the street and once inside the gates you could find countless restaurants and shops all selling things you likely won’t find in a city without a Chinatown. The must see here besides the beautiful entrance to the area is the fortune cookie factory. You should be able to get a sample and a still-warm fortune cookie is better than you can imagine. 

San Francisco is also home to Japantown where shops have signs in Japanese and you can drink all of the Sapporo you could possibly want. Some restaurant windows even have thoroughly accurate displays of the food that you can order, much like what you would find in Japan. Head over to one of the stores that sell mochi for great souvenirs and more free samples! Of course there are other areas to explore that are culturally driven but during my trips we crammed everything we could into them and didn’t have a chance to explore the other areas. I’ll write more on some of the historical areas in a separate post. San Francisco has enough to keep you occupied for two weeks easy but a week in the city will get you around the highlights. Stay tuned for more about what I love about San Francisco!

Sincerely Yours, 

Pocket Elf Travels